Homework 9/20 A, 9/23 B, C, & D, 9/24 E

Today in class we learned about the Vikings!  We looked at three interpretations from Hollywood and analyzed the differences.  We then read about the Vikings, examining their way of life.  Students were asked to closely read the article, annotating as they read.  They then had to summarize the article.  Lastly, they were asked to use text evidence to explain if they would like to live as a Viking (why/why not?)

Homework: complete classwork if not finished and continue to work on the Columbus essay draft. 

Columbus essay drafts are due: 9/27 Block A, 9/30 Blocks B, C, & D, 10/1 Block E


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Homework 10/22 A & B, 10/23 C, D, & E

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